jazz does not exist: online dance courses

Prerecorded online dance courses: enjoy learning from wherever you are at an individual schedule, rewinding and replaying the tutorials!

Giant Steps Dance Lab [in 2 volumes]

Giant Steps Dance Lab studio experience is now public! and available in 2 volumes: 8 practice classes + 2 dance history lectures!

Alina Sokulska, Giant Steps dance group and students on class, in studio! This online edition of our classes and experiments in the studio presents the course in two volumes and 8 practice videos from different timeline.

The topics covered on class are the body movement sessions, the footwork technique routines & tricks, improvisation exercises, both to work individually and in the groups. As a bonus, 2 lectures on dance history “bebop & social dance: the awkward 40s” are added to each volume.

You will be comfortable and both challenged taking this course if you had a previous experience in dance. The videos are filmed on professional cameras and offer the general view of the classroom as well as detailed close ups. Those who have been with us know, that the music we use on these classes is of wide stylistic and cultural range, groove and sophistication.

Giant Steps dance lab online is a perfect opportunity to not only learn from Alina Sokulska from any part of the world, but also get a glimpse of a studio experience: watch others learn, dance, experiment and improvise!


  1. body movement pt. 1
  2. footwork technique
  3. tricks
  4. improvisation [activating imagination] pt. 1
  5. lecture on dance history. bebop & social dance: the awkward 40s. pt. 1


  1. body movement (pt.2)
  2. fast footwork
  3. improvisation [impulse & circles] pt.2
  4. improvisation [in couples and groups] pt.3
  5. lecture on dance history. bebop & social dance: the awkward 40s. | pt. 2

body movement & blues

Focusing on the perspective of African-American music and dance, in particular its cornerstone – blues, this online dance course is designed to give you tools to work on quality of your body movement. assimilating experience from various dance styles throughout the years of her professional activity of performing and teaching, Alina created this set of instruments to better understand our bodies in their movement to blues music, as well as building flow and musicality when improvising.

The course includes 7 pre-recorded videos with 3 sets of exercises for body isolations, ideas for your blues dance improvisation, tools for approaching music through dance, original blues dancers’ footage explanation, traditional steps in African-American vernacular dance as well as ideas how to work on the step within an individual ways of developing it.

level: open (for dancers with previous dance experience in any dance style, as well as beginners)

Want to purchase a pack of both volumes? contact us for a voucher, and get a discount: 85 euros instead of 100!